Empathy To Aid Profitability
Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. To me the most key and important words of this definition are ABILITY and SHARE. Empathy’s an ability, not a weakness. It’s something you have to master and hone, not something you are giving away. And sharing, well isn’t that why you got into business in the first place? Didn’t you have some awesome idea you needed to share with the masses? Wasn’t there a product you believed everyone should also own and share in the joy of its use. Was the best recipe you’ve ever tasted for Chicken Tikka Masala something you wanted to keep to yourself, or something you wanted to market and share with the people?
What I Invented in 4th Grade, and Why It’s Still Awesome
Those lessons are:
Never sell yourself short or underestimate yourself. If you see genius that a teacher or boss doesn’t see, keep persisting.
Your worth, or the worth of your work is not created in the value it has for others. While creating value may be important, and at times required, you will be most happy valuing your own worth and merit based on your passion, ideas, and follow through. If you are happy with your creation, then it cannot be unsuccessful.
Give your 4th grade self more credit, that was a world where your intentions were pure, your ideas new, and your future limitless. Honestly if I could tap into the raw potential of my 4th grade brain more often, I surely would. And now I know how to recognize it.
Sometimes, the most obvious problem requires only the most obvious solution. Complexity of a solution does not equal success, oftentimes the opposite is true.
Finally, don’t be too hard on yourself. Whether or not you're successful should never stop you from trying in the future. If you fail or fall, get up and try again. If you succeed, keep it up. Don’t let the misunderstanding of a few authority figures keep you from using your awesomeness and originality.